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What happens after we die? I once read this book that completely changed my whole perspective of death, the afterlife, and had me reconsider that we are all not just bodies, but souls. There's a quote in the book What Dreams May Come that said "your body is something temporary and where your undying soul lives in." When I touch my arm, this touch I am feeling is temporary. But my passions, the size of my heart, my charisma, that is eternal.


The ending of the book briefly mentions reincarnation as well. So it had me thinking of myself as a soul rather than this body I'm in. The book also made me less fearful of death and more imaginative of what my afterlife, or heaven whatever you want to call that world, looks like. I know I'll be reunited with our family labrador retriever in her prime from my childhood as she greets me. 


So in this body my soul currently loves to push herself. Whether it be physically by hiking all the local mountain peaks or professionally by always trying to level up within a job that fits my passion. My soul also loves music, obsessed. The emotions music can elicit can be an upper or a downer, depending on my current mood and what I'm listening to. I also do love to explore new sights, traveling to Europe, solo trip to Denver, or booking a flight to New Orleans 2 weeks before.


This soul of mine is not just alive, but living how it wants. 






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